
The story of my life (in a nuthsell) that I share with you in this page plays a big role to create my own coaching motto, definition ad style. During the past years I have tried dozens of tools, methods and styles to get closer to understand the nature of change, tranformation as well as human emotions, behavior, beliefs.

Coaching supports you to define your own needs in a certain situation or life event, and to set your goals, the direction you would like to grow and get to know yourself better.

As a coach, I support you on this journey

what to expect on the coaching sessions?

I will ask questions and you will answer- as simle as it is.

Coaching sessions and processes are more complex then that. We will work together to find your true goal, something you want to become, something you would like to have in your life, something that you hope for yourself. It is called the goal of the sessions. I support you to find what you really would like to welcome in your life, make sure you are ready for that, and I will be there on the journey with you to work on achiving it. I use the creative tools of coaching to make sure we go through all the levels and dimensions that are needed for you to have a closer look at the goal, to examine your present, your relatinship with the situation and with others. My mission as a life coach is to support your personal growth in such way, that you will become confident in all your future decisions.

how to imagine those tools?

I use cards, story cubes, stories, tales,metaphors, puppets during the sessions, not only to make them colorful and enjoyable, but to support your learning process. Coaching does not have to be boring, formal or very serious - let's do it in a fun way, so you will remember our sessions with warmth in your heart, so it stays with you for a longer period of time.

what do i do as a coach?

As a coach I do not give an opinion or a solition for a problem, as I believe in you, I trust that you already have the answers within you, and I am ready to active them with all those questions and tools that I mentioned abvove. Each of us has all the knowledge, talent, experience and potential to create and live the life we want to live.

I can help you if
you are uncertain about your way, you are seeking your journey;
you have already started the journey and you got stuck
you found yourself in a crossroad and not sure which direction to go
the journey is very long and you need a map to navigate through the possible ways
you got confused before you get to your destination
you get into a conflict with yourself or your partners on the journey and you need to settle it before getting home
you would like to write the story of the journey to make conclusions and to be aware of the change
you would like to be friend with yourself
you want to understand all the situations, troubles you got into on the journey
you need a new quality of life
you want to be able to navigate on your future journeys with confidence.

The topics and subjects of the coaching sessions vary. Bellow I give you an overview of themes I already worked on with my clients ad I am confident that coaching was a very effective method of support.
New topics and challenges are more then welcome.

Seld-confidence, exploring true self
Mapping skills, competencies, being aware of them
Welcoming new habits
Conflict management
Managing time, energy and focus
Our roles in life
Setting goals and priorities
Improving quality of life
Seeking purpose
Taking first steps
Overcoming crisis based on the age characteristics